
故事作者:Andrew J. Concatelli
照片由Nick Caito提供

许多信誉最好的网投十大平台的校友每隔五年都会回到校园参加聚会. 其他人每天都回来教书.

“回到信誉最好的网投十大平台成为教职员工,感觉就像做梦一样,1996年的米切尔·波林说, 课程副院长兼戏剧和舞蹈教授. “Trinity’s incredible faculty members introduced to me ideas that changed me as a person and inspired me to be who I am. 我现在有能力为别人做这件事,这真的是一份礼物.”

信誉最好的网投十大平台任教23年, 波林有和班塔姆的同事一起工作的经验,他们也是学院的同事. 作为信誉最好的网投十大平台的学生, there’s a certain set of values instilled in us: building relationships with others, 好奇心的文化, 跨学科文科教育的价值, 以及不仅对学院,而且对世界的贡献意味着什么,波林说。. “Trinity faculty who are alumni of the College are foregrounding those remarkable priorities in our relationships with students and our relationships with the College and in the way we step into the classroom and onto the campus on a daily basis.”

While it is not new for Trinity’s former students to become its next generation of teachers, the number of alumni faculty members has increased notably this academic year with the addition of three assistant professors with tenure-track positions: 乔纳森·T. Ashby ' 09和Adam D. 08年的希尔化学和夏侬S. 米勒11年毕业,主修美国研究和历史.

乔纳森·T. 阿什比09年

Ashby had the unique opportunity to fill a faculty position upon the retirement of his Trinity adviser, 珍妮特·F. 莫里森,化学首席讲师,荣誉退休. “坐在她的旧办公室里,坐在桌子的另一边,感觉很超现实. 我喜欢它,但最初几天感觉有点吓人,”阿什比说.

Working with Morrison while he was studying at Trinity led Ashby to an interest in analytical chemistry. “我逐渐喜欢上了化学与其他学科的交叉. 这影响了我现在的工作。. A position as a supplemental instruction leader at Trinity first helped Ashby realize that he enjoyed teaching.

阿什比说,今年回到校园,他感到既紧张又兴奋. “I remember how strong a lot of the faculty in the department were in supporting me to get me to where I am now. It’s a high bar to reach, but I know the department will help me get to that level,他说.

阿什比说,他对信誉最好的网投十大平台教员日益多样化感到鼓舞, 特别是在科学领域. “I hope to bring programming and opportunities for students of color to more easily meet and network with other scientists and potentially present their research,他说.

他回忆起自己在信誉最好的网投十大平台读书时的经历, 阿什比说,他计划以任何方式支持学生. “The advice I wish I had been given as a student is don’t feel intimidated by your faculty. Embracing opportunities to meet one-on-one will help you get so much more out of your class.”

Channon年代. 米勒' 11,乔纳森T. Ashby ' 09和Adam D. 希尔08年

Adam D. 希尔08年

当希尔申请大学时, 他最初被信誉最好的网投十大平台的化学课程所吸引, 他被学院的跨学科科学项目录取了. 多年后,随着他的博士学位.D. in hand, he found himself comparing every college chemistry department with Trinity’s. 他最终欣然接受了这个机会,加入了他心目中的理想学院.

“The faculty here have a degree of cordiality and rapport with one another that really is exceptional,希尔说. “在加入这个部门之前, 我做了关于如何设置化学课程的研究, and I found that inevitably the best way to approach each aspect was the way that Trinity’s Chemistry Department was already doing it.”

Hill additionally cites Trinity’s increased commitment to developing its STEM fields, 学院强大的科学设施, and instrumentation available to students and researchers as factors in drawing him back to his alma mater.

作为信誉最好的网投十大平台的学生,希尔在《全球最大的网投平台》上发表了一篇研究文章 化学教育杂志 和他的一位导师,也是班塔姆的同事玛丽亚·L. 1990年毕业,化学副教授,现在是他的同事.

“I can’t help but grin every time I step on campus; it’s a place that authentically feels 好 to be,希尔说。, who married a fellow Trinity chemistry major he met when they were both undergrads. “我喜欢向我的学生展示,我证明了三位一体的方法是有效的. Now I want to contribute to every student experiencing the kind of Trinity that I got to experience.”

Channon年代. 米勒的11

她的家族几代人都住在哈特福德,研究也扎根于这座城市, 米勒说,回到《全球最大的网投平台》剧组几乎是不可避免的. “我想回到哈特福德. 这个社区继续支撑着我的工作, 这本书深入研究了美国黑人女性的经历和黑人母亲的身份,她说。.

米勒与信誉最好的网投十大平台的关系可以追溯到她的童年, 当时她参与了学院为当地青年举办的项目. 她也是哈特福德磁石中学第一届毕业班的一员, 现在的哈特福德磁铁信誉最好的网投十大平台, 位于学院对面的宽街.

“I liked the way my American studies classes at Trinity addressed what interested me about Black communities in the U.S.米勒说。. “And I appreciated the way we were trained to engage through reading and writing in different types of disciplines and through diverse ways of getting to know communities.米勒的高级项目顾问是Davarian L. 保罗·鲍德温. 美国研究特聘教授, 她和她一起通过信誉最好的网投十大平台的社会正义倡议工作.

Miller believes she and her fellow alumni faculty members can relate to what it feels like to be a Trinity student and to navigate campus life in their shoes. “经历了许多同样的挑战, 我或许可以提供我尝试过或测试过的解决方案,她说。. “我也提供了一个来自哈特福德的人的观点, 这座复杂而美丽的城市有着悠久的历史.

“It’s exciting to return to the place that molded me in so many ways,” Miller adds. “Now I get to be part of that process for young folks at Trinity—to return the gifts that I received here and to show current students the possible pathways ahead.”


所有教员都记得学生时代是什么样子, but not all faculty members teach in the very Seabury Hall classroom in which they took undergraduate courses.

“我试着提醒自己在西布里上课时在想什么, 去更多地了解我的学生,加布里埃尔F说。. 霍农07年,宗教研究助理教授. “在我上学的地方上学,这是一种感觉


这有助于我了解学生. 老师的想法并不总是学生的想法.”

霍农从来没有打算在信誉最好的网投十大平台教书, but he always held fond memories of faculty members he admired and wanted to emulate, 包括埃里森·班克斯, Scott M. 约翰逊1997年宗教荣誉教授. “The opportunity to join them arose right when I was finishing my dissertation,他说. Hornung first took a visiting position at Trinity, then was hired in a tenure-track role in 2018.

“刚开始回到校园也有点奇怪,”霍农说. “我办公室的窗户俯瞰着我一年级的宿舍.”

凝视着校园,回忆着学生时代, 霍农说,他经常被提醒自己在20年里发生了多大的变化. “I try to remind students that they’re just starting out and that they’ll likely change a fair amount at Trinity and beyond. 我的希望是帮助他们正确看待更大的发展轨迹。.

David Sterling Brown ’06, associate professor of English, never wanted to leave Trinity. “It’s just a magical place for me—a place where I know it is OK to be myself,他说.

布朗说,他不断地被这个他认为是家的地方吸引. After graduating from Trinity—where he fell in love with Shakespeare under the mentorship of Milla C. 詹姆斯·J·里吉奥. 古德温英语教授, Emerita—he found himself back on campus as the Connecticut recruitment director for Teach For America. He first became part of Trinity’s English Department in 2013–14 as the Ann Plato Fellow and joined the faculty full time in 2022.

He said he believes that being a Trinity alumnus has allowed him to connect with and inspire students in a unique way. “我希望每个学生都能在我身上看到自己,”布朗说. “我借鉴了信誉最好的网投十大平台以前所有的教授以及他们不同的品质 . . . 他们的敏感性, 在我遇到困难的时候倾听我, 给予建议和鼓励.”

根据布朗的说法,校友教职员工拥有特权的混血儿身份. “We have a sensitivity to these students and their needs in a way that takes really knowing this place and how it operates,他说. “I care a lot about students and their experiences, and I think that makes me a better teacher.”


Amber Pitt, Ewa Syta和Mitch Polin 96的教授
  • 塞缪尔·D. 卡索66年,查尔斯·H. 诺瑟姆大学历史学教授(即将退休)
  • 奥尔登R. 戈登1969年,保罗E. 美术学特聘教授
  • Maria Parr ' 90,化学副教授
  • Harry Blaise, 1994级,工程副教授
  • 米切尔·波林,戏剧和舞蹈教授兼副教务长
  • 劳拉·J. 霍尔特,心理学教授
  • 大卫·斯特林·布朗06级,英语副教授
  • 加布里埃尔F. 07年,宗教研究助理教授
  • Adam D. Hill ' 08,化学助理教授
  • 乔纳森·T. Ashby ' 09,化学助理教授
  • Channon年代. 米勒11年,美国研究和历史助理教授



激光系统是亚当·希尔克莱门特化学大楼实验室的关键部分. 去年夏天的安装问题? 要把设备带进他三楼的实验室只能从窗户进去, 所以需要一辆叉车. 希尔说, that the laser system lets students measure how renewable energy materials respond to light.